As part of the contract signed with clients, in which they agree to abide by our General Terms and Conditions, the client agrees to be periodically audited by a third party at any point in time to ensure adherence to these terms and conditions. By entering into a contract with Vumacam, and by the definitions of POPI Act, our clients become a responsible party and are further obligated to abide by the provisions of the POPI Act.
How does the alert-based software work?
Algorithms monitor how alerts are handled. In other words, they will ascertain whether or not alerts are escalated or dismissed. Similarly, the algorithms determine which controller in any specific control room is actioning the alerts. If, for instance, an alert on suspicious behaviour comes into the control room, and it was dismissed when it should have been escalated, action will be taken and the staff member will be questioned on the reason for their decision.
Read more on policy and compliance by following the links below:
Vumacam Promotion to Access of Information Manual
What are the safeguards that Vumacam has in place?
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