Are Vumatel and Vumacam the same company?
Vumacam (Pty) Ltd is a joint venture between Vumatel and Imfezeko Holdings and was born out of a
need to make public space CCTV surveillance a truly effective tool to address crime, contribute to
safer environments and bring neighbourhoods together. Connected networks help drive smarter,
closer collaborations between communities and independent security companies from different
areas, to secure the streets where South Africans live, work and play.
What does Vumacam do?
Vumacam is Africa’s first and only video management-as-a-service provider. We deploy strategically
hi-tech cameras across entire suburbs on a solid fibre network to ensure consistent, reliable, and
high-quality feed. Furthermore, our platform offers the private sector such as, commercial, retail,
educational and medical properties’ CCTV solutions. We provide our customers with secure access
to CCTV surveillance footage, keep the cameras connected, operational and well maintained, with a
guaranteed uptime.
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